Part Time Enrollment with MNVA
Minnesota students in grades 6-12, who are enrolled in a public school, are eligible to participate in part-time open enrollment with Minnesota Virtual Academy.
Part-time (supplemental) online learning allows students to remain enrolled in their current school district while taking up to 50% of their courses online through Minnesota Virtual Academy.
We are currently accepting enrollment applications for the 2025-2026 school year.
Complete Admissions forms and you will be prompted to provide Compliance Item: MNVA Part Time Forms
Print form. You must have your student’s school complete the form.
Submit the MNVA Part Time Forms to Dale Moga via email dale.moga@hsd294.us
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dale Moga
MNVA Part Time Student Advisor
Phone: 507-742-9893
email: dale.moga@hsd294.us